Can dogs eat raw eggs – and should I add it to their food?


Eggs are safe and nutritious for your dog, but there are risks to look out for too

Can dogs eat raw eggs – and should I add it to their food?

Quick takeaways on fruit and veg for dogs

  • Eggs contain nutrients and protein, so make a good treat for your dog.
  • Some dogs can be allergic and they have a high fat content.
  • Feeding your dog boiled eggs – over raw eggs – is the healthiest and lowest-risk option.


Your dog is part of your family, so it’s natural that you want to feed them the best diet.

More recently, owners have been wondering whether to add eggs to their dog’s food bowl. Are they safe? Are they full of nutrients, or full of fat?


Can dogs eat eggs?

In short, yes! Eggs can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet. They’re a good protein source, and they’re rich in healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Both the yolk and white parts of the egg are safe for dogs. However, some ways of cooking eggs are healthier for dogs than others.

It’s worth noting that all of these nutrients can be found in other foods, especially as part of a raw dog food diet. So, while eggs can be a nutritious addition to your dog’s diet, you can still give them a healthy diet without it.


Are raw eggs good for dogs?

There’s a trend towards feeding dogs raw ingredients, but we wouldn’t recommend feeding dogs raw eggs.

While raw eggs aren’t technically toxic, they can contain bacteria like E coli and salmonella, which can cause food poisoning. Dogs with digestive problems might have negative reactions to raw eggs.

So, maybe save cracking a raw egg over their dog food and consider other ways of serving them instead.


Can dogs be allergic to eggs?

Some dogs can be allergic to eggs, and certain breeds like Labradors and Cocker Spaniels are more likely to experience food allergies.

Signs of an allergic reaction to eggs include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Wheezing
  • Swelling

If your dog has any of these signs or a reaction after eating eggs, contact your vet immediately.


How often can dogs eat eggs?

Eggs are a source of fat, which has it’s health benefits. But, it’s not a good idea to feed your dog eggs every day – more as an occasional treat if you want.

The number of eggs a dog can eat depends on their breed and size. For very small dogs, don’t feed more than 1 egg per week, while larger breeds can eat up to 3 per week.

As with our diet, it’s all about everything in moderation. And, if your dog is already eating a healthy and nutritious diet (like our balanced raw food meal plans) you don’t need to add anything to their diet.


Can dogs eat eggshells?

You wouldn’t add them to your omelette, but dogs can eat eggshells – and they don’t mind the crunch. They contain calcium that can help with building strong bones and teeth.

That said, too much calcium is bad for dogs. Plus, large shell pieces could be a choking hazard. It’s always best to ask your vet before giving your dog eggshells. They can offer more guidance on the right amount to feed your pup.


What about boiled eggs?

Yes, you can. It’s maybe the healthiest way to serve up eggs to your dog. You can feed the egg whole or cut it up into chunks and add to their usual food.


Can dogs eat scrambled eggs?

Scrambled eggs are fine as an occasional treat, as long as you don’t add any salt, pepper or butter to them. So, don’t share your breakfast with your pet!


Can dogs eat fried eggs?

Steer clear of fried eggs, as you’d usually cook these in oil and seasoning, which are bad for your dog.

Want to make sure your dog is getting all the protein and nutrients they need? Try our personalised meal plans with high-quality raw ingredients.