What fruits and vegetables can dogs eat?


Dogs can eat both meat and vegetables and these are the foods that are safe for them to munch on

What fruits and vegetables can dogs eat?

Quick takeaways on fruit and veg for dogs

  • Dogs can eat a range of fruits and veg including apples, bananas, spinach and carrots.
  • Toxic foods include onions, garlic and avocado – and be mindful of tinned foods with added salt and sugar.
  • If you’re feeding a balanced and nutritious dog food, you shouldn’t need to supplement your dog’s diet.


Did you know that dogs are omnivores? Unlike cats, who are carnivores, dogs can eat both meat and vegetables.

It’s a good idea for your pooch to eat an array of fruits and vegetables alongside meat, as a balanced diet will benefit their overall health.

Fruit and vegetables are a natural source of fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants, all of which support your dog’s general wellbeing.

It’s important to remember that not all fruit and veg are created equal, when it comes to dogs that is.

Apples, raspberries and carrots can be healthy snacks for your pooch. Whereas, onions, tomato leaves and their stems and avocados are all toxic to dogs. This guide will help you get clued up.


Healthy fruits for dogs

These fruits are full of vitamins, fibre and different textures for your dog to munch on:


Apples are crunchy, delicious, and a great source of vitamin A, which supports vision and bone growth.

The seeds contain a very low amount of cyanide, which is a poison. So, as long as you remove the seeds and core beforehand, they’re a perfect treat for healthy hounds. 


In moderation, bananas are a fantastic fruit for your dog, as they’re high in potassium.

Potassium helps to maintain the proper function of nerve impulses – basically, what keeps your dog moving. However, as bananas are higher in sugar, keep these to an occasional treat.


These contain vitamin C, potassium and manganese – all of which are important for supporting your pet’s immune system. Strawberries are also a handy bitesize treat.


Cranberries, raspberries and blueberries are full of antioxidants to support your dog’s health, so they’re also a good nibble for your pup.


Honeydew, cantaloupe, and watermelons are super refreshing and ideal for dogs as they’re high in water and fibre - just make sure to thoroughly de-seed them. 


You’ll probably know that oranges contain plenty of vitamin C, and they’re also safe for dogs – in moderation.

Bear in mind the extra calories and sugars in oranges, and never feed them the peel, pith, or seeds, as these can cause stomach upset.


Healthy vegetables for dogs

Boiling or steaming vegetables is a great way to add them to your dog’s diet. Cooking and pureeing the veg can also make it easier to add them to your dog’s regular food, and it can make these easier to digest:

Sweet potato

These root veg are high in fibre and plenty of vitamins. You could add sweet potatoes to your dog’s diet in small amounts, and you can boil or steam them.

Green beans

A good source of protein and fibre, you can cook these and give them to your dog as a snack or treat.


These make a good snack for your dog and are often found in raw dog foods. Carrots are high in fibre but they can be high in sugar, so offer these in moderation.


All types of cabbage are good for dogs – and they usually find it very tasty, too. Try feeding it in small amounts or introduce slowly as the high-fibre content can cause gas!


Boiled or steamed broccoli is a great addition to your dog’s meals and is rich in vitamin C and fibre.


Cucumber is a dog-friendly vegetable with a high water content, so it’s great to help keep your dog hydrated in the hotter months especially.


This Halloween-friendly veg is a nutritious treat for dogs, thanks to its combination of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Serve pumpkin lightly cooked.


Fruits and vegetables that can be toxic

Grapes, raisins and currants

All of these are toxic to dogs and can cause severe kidney damage, so avoid them at all costs. If you think your dog might have eaten any grapes, raisins or currants, look out for these symptoms and contact your vet immediately:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea within 2-3 hours of eating them.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Tiredness or weakness.


Avocados might be your go-to toast topping, but they’re not right for your pooch. As well as being difficult to digest, the pit, skin and leaves contain a toxin called persin, which is poisonous to dogs.

Wild mushrooms

Some mushrooms are toxic to dogs and can cause severe reactions, so be careful when out and about with your dog.

Onions, garlic and leeks

Onions, garlic, chives and leeks (also known as alliums) contain toxins which can cause damage to red blood cells. If your dog eats these, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain.

Tinned fruit and veg

Be mindful of feeding your dog tinned fruit and veg. They still contain the vitamins and minerals found in fresh veg, but there is usually a lot of sugar or salt thrown in, too.

Always take a look at the ingredients before offering them as a snack.

Check out our top foods that are poisonous to dogs.


The bottom line

While your dog must have a wide range of vitamins and minerals in their diet, if you’re feeding them nutritious dog food – like our complete and balanced meal plans – you shouldn’t need to top up their diet.

However, you can use dog-friendly fruit and veg as occasional treats or to top up their bowl in moderation. They're also a great source of fibre. Get to know what they enjoy, and try to strike a balance.

Try our personalised meal plans with high-quality raw ingredients – including fresh fruits and vegetables – to help keep your dog healthy and happy.